UNITED WAY’S 10TH ANNUAL KICKBALL TOURNAMENT Help Support One of Hernando’s Most Anticipated Events!
Help Support One of Hernando’s Most Anticipated Events!
United Way of Hernando County is thrilled to announce our 10th Annual “KICK” Start to Early Literacy Kickball Tournament, scheduled for Saturday, April 5th @ Anderson Snow Park.
This anticipated all-day event incorporates a diverse Food Truck Rally, Touch-a-Truck and Kid Zone for families, health/business/craft vendors, activities & raffles, local “Celebrity Coach” dunk tank, and a 16-corporate team kickball tournament competing for the Ultimate Traveling Trophy! www.UnitedWayHernando.org/Kickball
You are receiving this opportunity announcement, because as many of you know, all proceeds from this annual event directly benefit United Way’s education initiatives - including our popular Dolly Parton Imagination Library. This program provides FREE age-appropriate books to over 1,100 Hernando pre-school children EVERY MONTH from birth to age 5, in preparation for Kindergarten-Readiness.
The attached SPONSORSHIP FLYER presents different levels of support and the benefits that would come along with your generous donation through cause-brand marketing! I ask that you please consider becoming a Proud Partner in Education. With your help, we aim to make our 10th Annual Kickball Tournament the most successful yet!
-Easily donate online here: www.UnitedWayHernando.org/GIVE
-Interested in Volunteering? Contact impact@UnitedWayHernando.org