Chairwoman of the Board of County Commissioners Beth Narverud Makes a Statement Regarding Her Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

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April 10, 2024
Chairwoman of the Board of County Commissioners Beth Narverud
Makes a Statement Regarding Her Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

(Brooksville, FL) – At the April 9, 2024, Hernando County Board of County Commissioners meeting, the Chairwoman of the Board, Commissioner Beth Narverud, made a public statement regarding her diagnosis of Breast Cancer.
“Today I want to announce that I have joined the 22,000 other women who will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year in the state of Florida,” said Chairwoman Narverud. “Like many women, the cancer was discovered during a routine checkup. I thank God the doctors caught this when they did, as early detection plays a big role in the outcome. I have faced many challenges before and I’m not afraid of this one. More than just a challenge, I see this as a purpose. I have always said God will never give you more than you can handle. However, he has given me this purpose because I have a voice and a platform to get the word out and be an advocate for early screening for women. It has been my greatest honor to serve as your Chair on the Hernando County Commission, and I won’t let something like breast cancer stop me from being a voice for you. I have fought hard for Hernando, and I will continue to fight hard for our county as I get treatment at Moffitt Cancer Center and beat this. I will fight just as hard for women everywhere to get screened early for breast cancer. I know this will be a journey to recovery and I may miss some meetings or community events. But we have an amazing team here at the County: both with staff and my fellow Commissioners. We all work well together to make Hernando County the envy of the state. This will not change. In the meantime, to all women who are watching this, if you haven’t been screened recently, please go out and schedule an appointment now. To all the men out there, talk to your wives, girlfriends, sisters, mothers, any female in your life and ask them to get screened. It can literally mean the difference in life and death. Together through prayer and by the grace of God we will beat this.”
The Hernando County Board of County Commissioner, Vice Chair Brian Hawkins, will perform duties as necessary in the Chairwoman, Beth Narverud’s, absence.